Study Abroad

On this page you can find all information regarding studying abroad.

Dear student,

Do you want to broaden your horizons? One great way of doing that is spending time abroad! The university aims for every student to have a ‘going abroad’ experience. Therefore, we have decided to find the ins and outs of this process to hopefully promote this more towards you!

On this page, you will find general information about going abroad; how to get started, what to look out for, scholarships to apply for, what procedures await you, and of course what your fellow students have found out by experience in the past! This last page will be updated over time. So, the more students go abroad and write about their experiences, the better prepared future students can be!

On these pages, you can find many links to other websites which host a plethora of information, much of which we try to summarize here. If you already have a bit of an idea of what you want to do and where you want to go, we advise you to follow the link below which contains a useful checklist depending on what you are going to do and where. Information can be found on Rijksoverheid

Most of the information that is presented in this part of the website is partly from the TU/e intranet. Additional information can be found in the subparts.

We hope the information that is given and the linked websites entice you to have this once-in-a-lifetime experience, to grow as a person and a student.

We wish you the best of luck on your travels!

Signs on pole